

I want to go places on a date because I want girl to enjoying the date. At first, I want to go a movie theater in moring. After we saw a movie, we can enjoy talking about the movie. I make a chance to talk with her first. Second, in afternoon, we are hungry, so I want to go a restaurant. Of course, we can not only have a lunch, but also talk with her many things. Third, after the lunch, I want to go shopping. Many womens like to go shopping, so I think she enjoy to go shopping. If I have enough money, as possible as I want to buy present she want. In short, I believe my way is the best way about a date. But sadly, I have never went on a date since I became a college student.



I respect my grandfather because he is a master builder. He likes to build house, to make furniture, so I like engineering too. When I was elementally school student, I taught how to make a chair by my grandfather. Then, I could not chip wood, so first, he chip wood for me. Its shape is very good. Needless to say, it is better than there or there about shops. Second, I taught how to make chair's post. But it was difficult for me to make it, so he helped to make it. I liked this work. Third, I structured chairs parts. This work was the most easy for me, so I can make it without him. Last of all, I finished to make the chair. Then, I thought I painted it, but after all, I thought natural color is the best, so I did not painted. In short, I have thought "My grandfather is the best builder around the world" since then.



I like watching movie because there are a lot of kinds movie. For example, in SF (Science Fiction), My favorite movie are "STAR WARS" and "BACK TO THE FUTURE". "STAR WARS" which I watched movie in a movie theater for the first time, so I remember how this movie is grate. Of course, this movie's story is good, but action is better than it. And I think "BACK TO THE FUTURE" is the best in I have watched. Its story links each other well, so I was impressed. Second example, in human drama, I impressed with "GREEN MILE". I watched this movie in my 10 years old. Tears filled with my eyes, and since then I became watching human drama. Third example, in action, I like "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE". This movie is powerful because there are many action scenes, for example, explosion, gun action, car action, etc... . Action is very stylish. In conclusion, everybody like one movie style at least because movie style isn't one.



Mobile phone has many useful fanctions, so I introduce its fanctions. First, of course, it has phone. It is the most important fanction. We can talk friend or family etc... wherever we have a mobile phone. Second, e-mail is good fanction. It resembles letter, so e-mail remains always differ from phone. Third, we can surf the Internet. When we don't have PC, we easily use the Internet at outdoor. Fourth, we can enjoy music. If you want to some music for example, rock, Hip Hop etc..., you can download its music from the Internet. Recently, Mobile phone's music player is clear sound. Next, it has camera. It is very good fanction for you to go trip and party etc... . All in all, if you only have a mobile phone, you can use phone, e-mail, Internet, music player, camera, so you can do a lot of thing, but their fanctions is only a few part.



I like to travel, so I have a lot of memory about my trip. First, I went to France two times in my 4 and 11 years old as family trip. When in my 4 years old, I hardly remember but I remember I made friends with Masyu. He is my best friend in France. When in my 11 years old, I went to Orsay museum because my parents has been teaching art in their high school, so they are interested in art, but I'm not. Orsay museum is so large. We went to its cafe and especially I remember I ate ice cream there. It is very good. Second, I went to Okinawa in my 15 years old as school trip. I learned Okinawa's history, and I ate pineapple and swam beautiful sea. Third I went to Australia in my 17 years old as school trip. I staid with a family. I brought "HANAFUDA" that is Japanese card game and played with a family. They enjoyed playing it. Next day, I went to zoo then I saw a kangaroo of my first time. Kangaroo was so big. This three trips became my memorable trips, so I never forgotten these trips.



My friend in my college is a pretty man. His hairstyle is short. His head form is round. I think his head form is very nice. His forehead is semicircle. His eyebrow bent a few, and his eyes is black and VERY VERY round, so I think his eyes is VERY VERY cute. His nose is little and his ear is too. His mouth is always smiling. His smiling is the best around the world. His lips are turn up, so he is always smiling. Of course, he is a man, but he likes a pretty girl, and all of my friend thinks too. His personality is very good because he is so kind. He is loved many people. In short, his face is round and little. And especially, his eyes and smiling are the most pretty around the world.



My perfect partner must like something and have personality trait. First, he must like playing sports. I'm not good at any sports, but I like playing sport very much. For example, basketball, soccer, softball and so on. Second, he must like watching movie. If he likes movie, he agree about movie with me. Especially, I like Science Fiction. Third, he must like Japanese comedy. I like "Down Town", "Summers", "Taka and Toshi" and so on. People likes comedy is funny, so I like them. Fourth, he must be a honest. I don't like him if he tells a lie, but If he tells a joke, it is OK. I want to trust partner. In short, If you become my perfect partner, you like playing sport, watching movie, comedy, and you're honest.



My friend whose initial is G in my college has a charmer temperament. First, he is so funny. He is good at talking and his joke is nice. He always heap our tension. Second, he has a large stock of knowledge. Especially he is good at physics so he is studying physics in college now. Others math, chemistry, English, history etc... so I'm taught him when there are studies question. Third, he has a leadership. When my college's event, he willingly became our leader. Thanks to his leadership, we are enjoyed and we aroused the event. He is very reliable. Fourth, he is gentle man. When I was sick, he worried abut me. If I recalled charmer first, I will surely remember G.


We can know his or her personality if we know their favorite color. For example, if you like red, you are very active man. If you prefer orange, you are cheerful and like center of attention. If your favorite color is green, you are serious man. If pink is you color, you are cheerful and romanticist. If you like white, you like cleaning. If you prefer purple, you are romanticist and elegant. If your favorite color is brown, you are shy and honest. If gray is your color, you are modest. If you like black, you have a sence of responsibility.I'm fascinated in "Colors and Personality" because I think those opinion is trust. In my case, I think I'm modest so I like gray



I'm from Saga. I'm 19 years old. Now, I live in Hiroshima. My favorite artists is "PORNO GRAFFITTI" and "B'z" especially. My hobby is listen to music, watching movie, playing sports, and so on. I have one brother and one sister. My favorite food is Sushi. "MAGURO" is king of Sushi. From this year, I'm studying Hiroshima university.I belong to Math club. I think Math is so difficult, but if we solve a Math question, we feel "what a interesting Math is". Math like game. So I choose Math club. Now, I'm enjoying school life. Nice to meet you!!